Sales Funnel

Funnel Design | Creating Sales Funnels & Marketing Funnels

June 19, 20249 min read

Creating a Optimize Sales Funnel Design in Funnel Builder:  A Step-by-Step Guide

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on effective marketing strategies to attract and change into customers. If you want to grow your online business, you need a powerful digital marketing or analytics tool which is a funnel more specifically say “Sales Funnel” or “High-Converting Funnel” that are deigned in funnel builder or SAAS (Software as Service) . A funnel depends upon a super template design that turns more prospects into customers, and more customers into repeat buyers. The analytics shows the conversion rate of the potential customers or leads into final buyers.

But how do you create a Conversion funnel?

What are the best practices and tools to use?

In this blog post, we will share an expert insight with you on how to create a Sales funnel and provide valuable and relevant information to your prospects at each stage of the funnel so that they trust you and want to buy from you.

Designing a High Converting Marketing Funnel That Convert Leads

To create a Sales funnel, you need to understand the journey of your potential customers and strategically guide them toward purchasing. Here are the key steps to follow:

  • Identify Your Target Audience

  • Define your Goals for Effective Sales Funnel

  • Build an Engaging Landing Page

  • Create an Irresistible Leads

  • Implement an Effective Email Sequence

  • Implement an Effective Email Sequence

  • Incorporate Upsells and Cross-Sells

  • Optimize Your Funnel with A/B Testing

  • Create a thank you page that delivers your product and asks for referrals

By carefully following all of these important steps, you'll build a smoothly running sales funnel that guides potential customers into becoming very happy customers who loudly recommend your business brand's to others.

Identify Your Target Audience in Funnel Design

Audience Targeting

Targeting Audience

“Knowing your audience is the key to effective marketing." - Lisa Mortimer

Before you begin building your funnel the first step is to know who you are selling to and what problems they are facing. You can use tools like surveys, interviews, or online research to find out more about your target audience and their pain points. This will help you create content that resonates with them and addresses their needs.

Define your Goals for Effective Sales Funnel

Defining a goal through S.M.A.R.T optyion

Defining a Goal

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Clearly define the goals you want to achieve with your funnel. Is it generating leads, increasing sales, or nurturing customer relationships? Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals will provide direction and enable you to track your progress effectively. The goal is to attract qualified leads who are interested in your topic and your solution. Your goal should solve a specific problem for your audience, and also tease them about your main offer.

Engaging Design Funnel Landing Page

Landing page Main section

"Your landing page is the gateway to your sales funnel." - Neil Patel

The landing page is where visitors first enter your funnel, to get your visitors to sign up for your lead. To create an effective landing page or template It needs to be visually appealing, and concise, and for conversions. Include persuasive copy, a compelling call-to-action (CTA), social proof (testimonials or reviews), and clear benefits of your product or service. Remember to place a captivating image that reflects your offering and captivates your audience. Because your design is the first part of your funnel to nurture leads.

Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet that Convert 

How to attract leads or customer through offers

Generating Leads

"Give value first, and the rewards will follow." - Michael Hyatt

In the next step of the funnel we to entice visitors to provide their contact information, offer a valuable leads such as an eBook, checklist, or video tutorial. These leads will help you converting leads into paying customer. Make sure it aligns with their interests and addresses a specific pain point. Highlight the benefits of your lead magnet and emphasize how it can solve their problems.

Implement an Effective Email Sequence: 

Sending a email sequences to the target audiences so that they creates leads.

Email Sequences

"Email marketing is the king of the sales funnel." - Russell Brunson

Now take the next step in template designing. After capturing leads, nurture them through a well-crafted email sequence. Provide valuable content, build trust, and showcase your expertise. Gradually introduce your products or services and highlight their unique selling points. Personalize your emails based on the recipient's behavior and segment your list for better targeting.

Incorporate Upsells and Cross-Sells: 

Targeting the audiences through upsells, cross sells and downsell

Targeting the audience through upsells, cross sell and Downsell

"Maximize customer value through strategic upselling and cross-selling." - Tony Robbins

Upselling and cross-selling are powerful strategies to increase the average transaction value. After a customer ready to buy or makes a purchase, offer complementary products or upgrades that enhance their experience. Display these offers on relevant pages, such as the thank you page or in follow-up emails.

Optimize Your Funnel with A/B Testing: 

Using winning combination of different elements to attract customer.

A/B testing

"Test, measure, and optimize to unlock your funnel's true potential." - Tim Ferriss

A/B testing allows you to experiment with different elements of your funnel and identify what works best. Test variations of headlines, CTAs, colors, images, and layouts to find the winning combination. Continuously monitor your metrics and make data-driven decisions to improve your funnel's performance.

Create a Thank You Page

A thank you page is a web page that shows up after  customer has completed their purchasing your product. Your thank you page should deliver your product (or instructions on how to access it), thank your customer for their purchase, and ask them for referrals (such as sharing on social media or leaving a review).


What is a call to action in successful funnel?

The role of an effective CTA in a successful marketing funnel is to change visitors into customers:

  • Guide the prospect to the next step in the funnel journey.

  • Motivate them to take that next action you want them to complete.

  • Make it crystal clear what the user needs to do (e.g. click a button, fill out a form, make a purchase).

How Can I Improve My Design to Increase Conversions?

Here are some effective ways to improve your design and increase conversions:

  • Deeply understand your audience 

  • Reduce friction

  • Create compelling leads

  • Focus on benefits over features

  • Use social proof

  • Leverage scarcity and FOMO

By optimizing each touchpoint using persuasive techniques while reducing buyer friction, you can progressively improve your design for maximizing customers.

Can we connect Google Analytics to GHL?

Absolutely, you can connect Google Analytics to Go High Level (GHL). This integration allows you to track and analyze the performance data from your GHL campaigns within your  account.

What is an effective marketing funnel?

An effective marketing funnel is a strategically designed process that guides potential customers through a purchase in series of tailored steps. Nurturing their interest and desire until they ultimately done a  purchase. It starts by attracting a broad audience at the top of the funnel through tactics like content marketing, social media, and advertising.

How funnel helps to increase sales cycle?

A well-designed sales funnel helps increase the sales cycle by qualifying and nurturing leads through automated touchpoints, building desire by addressing objections, providing a clear path to purchase, and allowing for continuous enhancing based on funnel metrics - ultimately enabling you to change more qualified prospects into customers efficiently.

What Role Funnels Play in Digital Marketing?

Funnels are crucial frameworks in digital marketing that map the entire journey. They facilitate leads generation at the top, nurturing in the middle stages, and conversion rate optimization towards the bottom. Funnels also extend into customer retention and provide vital measurement points to continuously improve campaign performance. By aligning marketing and sales around a unified funnel process, companies can effectively acquire prospects, build relationships, and maximize conversions through their digital channels.

Funnel Levels

When you design funnel there is a multi-stage process that maps the journey customers go through before purchase. At the beginning of the funnel is the Awareness stage, where prospects first learn about a company's product or service through marketing efforts like ads, content, or social media. Those who show interest, such as by visiting the website or signing up for emails, move into the Interest stage of the funnel. 

As they evaluate the offering against competitors, they enter the Consideration or Evaluation. Prospects who develop a strong desire for the product based on the information provided reach the Intent or Desire stage.

The ultimate goal is to guide prospects through to the Purchase, where they decide to buy and become customers. After that, companies aim to foster Retention and Loyalty by nurturing the post-purchase relationship, encouraging repeat business, and turning customers into vocal brand advocates. 

Some funnels include additional sub-steps like Qualification, Opinion/Preference, or Action micro-commitments before the final purchase stage.

Understanding and optimizing these funnel steps is crucial for marketers to convert more prospects into satisfied buyers. After understanding these stages you can create a sales funnel for brand awareness.

Types of funnels

Funnels are crucial tools in marketing and sales strategies, helping to guide customers through the process of becoming paying customers. The most commonly used types of funnels include:

  • Sales Funnel

  • Marketing Funnel

  • Lead Generation Funnel

  • Webinar Funnel

  • Product Launch Funnel

  • E-commerce Funnel

  • Membership Funnel

  • Consultation Funnel

Design a sales funnel involves leveraging various marketing channels and tools like Google to guide website visitors towards a purchase. A well-structured funnel typically includes four stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action. 

At the top of the funnel stage, social media posts and marketing campaigns generate awareness and attract potential customers that are made by sales team.

As prospects move to the middle of the funnel, engaging pieces of content such as informative articles or videos help to nurture interest and build a connection. 

The bottom of the funnel focuses on converting this interest into action, often through targeted offers and persuasive calls-to-action.

Each template stage plays a crucial role in the overall sales process, ensuring that the funnel shows efficiently transforms leads into loyal customers. Without a comprehensive funnel strategy, businesses may struggle to achieve better results in their marketing efforts.

A sales funnel without a clear strategy for each part of the funnel can struggle to effectively guide prospects towards making a purchase. Each stage, from awareness to decision, is crucial in converting leads into customers.

Each type of funnel can help to guide potential customers through a specific journey. From initial awareness to final conversion, and helps in their decisions towards purchase using targeted strategies and content at each stage.


Creating a Sales funnel is a result of understanding your audience, aligning your goals, and improving each stage of the customer journey. By implementing the steps outlined in this guide, you can develop a powerful sales funnel that drives conversions and propels your business forward.

After following these steps guided above will increase the customer retention rate. Your funnel can increase the conversion process towards the royal customer. 

Incorporating better design elements in your sales funnel and identifying areas for improvement can increase the likelihood of achieving superior results.

If you are looking for the funnel that leads magnet or converts customer feel free to connect at In this website you can find several types of funnels design that can reduces you time. From restaurant to Health and Wellness, Medical to Automotive, and Real Estate to Business Coaching you can find many types of funnel that helps you to create leads.

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Shuayb Azam

My professional Funnel Building is driven by my High Level (pun intended) of skills, enthusiasm and self-motivation.

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HighLevel (GHL)

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